Creating Markets in Egypt: Country Private Sector Diagnostic

Following a successful and hard-earned macroeconomic stabilization, Egypt’s economy is at a turning point. The strengthened macroeconomic fundamentals have restored confidence in the economy, but the reforms have yet to trigger a marked and sustained increase in non-extractives private investment and exports. Pre-existing structural challenges were also exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes some of the challenges Egypt continues to face, and highlights opportunities for a private sector-led economic development, investment and job-creating growth. Trade and logistics, role of the State, competition and commercial justice are identified as critical areas in need of reform. The report also assesses some of the key sectors with significant opportunities for growth, employment and/or exports: Agribusiness, Manufacturing, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Within manufacturing, it undertakes a more disaggregated assessment for the chemicals, textiles, and automotive industries. Education and health, two key enabling sectors that have come under further pressure in the new COVID-19, are explored through the lens of opportunities for private sector participation.