Country Private Sector Diagnostics (CPSD)

Country Private Sector Diagnostics (CPSD)

The Country Private Sector Diagnostics (CPSD) is a joint IFC-World Bank product led by the IFC Country Economics & Engagement Department in close collaboration with the Bank's Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice. The CPSD identifies opportunities for private-sector led growth and investment and solutions to remove sector-specific and economy-wide constraints holding back private sector development. 

By combining economy-wide and sector-specific analyses, the CPSD helps create a common analytical basis to shape policy dialogue and guide transformational private investment. CPSD assessments inform WBG SCDs and CPFs, IFC Country Strategies and WBG lending and advisory services.

This WBG webpage provides guidelines and analytical resources to help TTLs and CPSD team members perform the task in a timely and effective manner.