World Bank Group (WBG)|

Zimbabwe Aggregate Report on Commercial SEPs – 2016

The overarching goal of state ownership is value creation. Government expects that state enterprises and parastatals (SEPs) in which the government’s ownership has commercial objectives will achieve the highest possible return on invested capital over time. For SEPs where the government’s ownership includes sectoral policy objectives, these defined objectives should be achieved as efficiently as possible while still achieving high returns on capital. This report summarises the financial performance, financial position, quality of financial reporting and governance of commercial SEPs for 2016. The report captures 37 commercials SEPs; 31 wholly owned by Government and 6 partially owned, of which 4 are listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The financial data in this report were received from the SEPs covered. Information received was verified against audited financial statements, and where audited financial statements were not available management accounts were used. Portfolio aggregates therefore do not eliminate intra-portfolio transactions; assets of one SEP which constitute liabilities of another SEP will be counted on both sides of the portfolio balance sheet.

Report type

Partner Resources


SOE Landscape


Africa-East (AFE)


