Noor Raudhiah Abu Bakar, Mazlina Mustapha, Nor Aziah Abu Kasim, Rozita Amiruddin| First International Conference on Economics and Banking|

The use of Key Performance Indicator in Malaysian Government-Linked Company

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Government-linked companies (GLCs) play an important role in the development of the Malaysian economy. To enhance performance in GLCs, Malaysian government introduced GLC Transformation program. The first initiative in GLCT is to intensifying performance management systems. The GLC Blue-Book as a guidance in intensifying performance management and include suggested key performance indicator (KPI). However, the use of KPI always become an issues in the companies. The purpose of this article is to examine the use of KPI in one of Malaysian Government-Linked Companies. This article concludes the use of KPI linked with the planning, good information flow, linked with performance evaluation and influences the behavior and performance of employees.