Kamal Monnoo| The Nation|

Public Sector Enterprises

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 Public Sector Enterprises (PSE) are a serious concern in Pakistan, as the national exchequer has to provide Pak Rs 245 to 300 billion (the real figure is still anyone’s guess) every year to keep them afloat and yet they don’t provide the quality of services expected of them. Not only is a rupee saved a rupee earned, but if you also take into account their underlying potential to instead contribute revenues, the recurring burden on the economy appears even more colossal. In conclusion, the ROI may not be fair! For example, to expect that the postal service operations will be making a profit in inner Balochistan or to try and calculate the return on defence spending in absence of war would be risky. Not only are the PSE difficult to replicate or recreate (once sold or closed), but their absence would also further dent an already cracked national pride. The real challenge is to resurrect them through introducing in them professional management structures and by weeding out the entrenched mafia.