Fuad Azim Hashimi|
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG)|
Lessons from SOE Governance Reforms: Pakistan Case Study
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This Ppt slides addresses the SOE dimensions in Pakistan, its market capitalization, comparison of with Public Sector Companies (PSCs) industry sector – trend in 2013, development of a Corporate Governance (CG) code for PSCs in Pakistan, governance concerns in the public sector, priorities identified & being addressed, going ‘Glocal’ & major accomplishments, performance of boards of individual PSCs, what lies ahead ? – the conduct of state-ownership funds, issues that persist for Pakistan PSCs, and the real challenge. Pakistan PSC rules measure up to OECD guidelines on corporate governance of state-owned enterprises [DRAFT ISSUED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – MAY 2014] Focus areas – Principles II, IV, V, VI, VII (slides 16 through 28).