Natalia Manuilova, Tural Jamalov, Ian Halvdan Ross Hawkesworth, Yuliya Holodkova, Irina Goncharova| World Bank Group (WBG)|

Kyrgyz Republic integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF) Assessment


Notwithstanding its significant downsizing due to the country´s transition from a planned to a market economy, the public sector in Kyrgyz Republic still owns one hundred thirty-six SOEs, with the largest ones operating in strategic and economically important sectors. The main objective of this integrated state-owned enterprises framework assessment (iSOEF) is to analyze the economic and fiscal impact of the Kyrgyz state-owned enterprise (SOE) portfolio, and identify ways to strengthen its performance and corporate governance. This report describes the landscape and main characteristics of the SOE portfolio in the Kyrgyz Republic, provides an assessment of main fiscal costs and risks of the SOEs with a focus on energy sector SOEs, and analyzes the corporate governance and financial reporting frameworks and practices applied by Kyrgyz SOEs.

Report type

Integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework Reports


SOE Effects on Markets
Fiscal Impacts
Corporate Governance & Accountability Mechanisms
SOE Landscape


Europe and Central Asia (ECA)


Kyrgyz Republic
